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中国人活动中心是由旅居休斯顿的华人华侨在1995 年自发成立的一个非盈利非政治性社团组织。中心秉承“服务华人社区, 弘扬中华文化, 凝聚侨团侨心, 促进美中友好, 提升华人地位”的五大宗旨,20 年来竭诚为社区服务,特别是为休斯顿二十万华人社区服务, 成为名至实归的“海外华人之家”。
目前中心拥有22,800 英尺的活动中心物业, 五万余册图书杂志,约三万碟(盘)音像制品, 总资产逾150 万美元。目前,中心设有“靳宝善图书馆”, 老年人“夕阳红”俱乐部,在中心还有乒乓球俱乐部,合唱团、绘画、小提琴、舞蹈、戏曲之家等华人参加的各种活动和课程。中心还提供签证服务,举办新移民系列讲座,各种文化艺术展览等多项服务项目, 并提供多功能厅,会议室供各家社团使用,平均每周服务逾五千人次。
中国人活动中心每年在大型酒店举办一次在休斯顿主流社区和华人社区都具有重要影响力的庆祝中华人民共和国国庆晚宴,颁发“中国之友”奖,表彰美国主流社会为中美关系作出杰出贡献的有影响力的人士,同一天中国人活动中心在其露天广场举行休斯顿华人华侨参加的庄严神圣的中华人民共和国升旗仪式;每年春节举行全休斯顿华人侨社参加的春节团拜和盛大的春节联欢晚会“拥抱春天”;不定期地承接来到休斯顿的大型文艺代表团,如国侨办主办全球慰问华侨活动“文化中国,四海同春”;每当祖国或其他地区有重大自然灾害,中心经常在第一时间组织当地华人捐款赈灾;支持动员华人参加主流社区活动,代表华社区参加美国感恩节、国际节等活动。自2014 年起,中心还创立高中生奖学金基金会,设立“杨万青博士奖学金”“国泰银行助学金”等专项奖学金,每年对品学兼优或家境贫困的华人学生进行表彰或资助。中国人活动中心已成为休斯顿华人社区各种社团组织里的领头羊,是大休斯顿地区促进中国和美国经济、文化、艺术、商业等领域交流的重要联接纽带和活动平台。也是美国政府和民间社团了解中国的一个重要窗口。
The Chinese Civic Center, an IRS 501 C (3) nonprofit organization, was established in 1995 by volunteers from Houston’s Chinese community.
The goals of the Center are
• To Foster collaborative efforts, volunteerism and leadership
• To Promote multi-cultural arts, language, and Chinese heritage
• To Enrich the lives of families and individuals
• To Enhance US-China friendship and links
• To Strengthen our community
The Center’s mission is to build a stronger community through leadership, volunteerism, collaborative efforts, multi-cultural education and services. The Center’s focus is strengthening leadership skills, providing educational, cultural and civic activities and offering much-needed services to youth, seniors and families. The Center currently serves over 3000 people in any given week and is often the first stop for Chinese immigrants as they begin new lives in Houston Metropolitan.
The Greater Houston area has experienced unprecedented growth in its Asian communities over the past two decades. In response to the many needs created by this population boom, in Feb. 1999, the Center moved into a two thousand sqft facility for the opening of the Chinese Civic Center Baoshan Jing Library, which is named after the past Dr. Baoshan Jing, professor emeritus of University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, whose family generously donated $50,000 out of Dr. Jing’s estate to start the Chinese language library. The Center moved into a larger facility located at 10052 Harwin Drive in October 2000. The in-kind usage space of 20,000 square feet was provided by Mr. Duongdu Hai, Chairman of Hong Kong Food Market, Inc. Since that time the Center has become a multi-cultural activity and service resource for Houston’s Asian population and for Americans seeking to learn about China or Chinese culture.
In Feb 2005, after running a successful fund raising campaign through the summer and fall of 2004, the Chinese Civic Center moved into the current building located at 5905 Sovereign Drive in the heartland of the New China Town in Southwest Houston. The new building is a one-story structure of over 22,800 sqft and contains a multi-function room, a library, a senior citizen service center, dozens of classrooms and small offices for local artist and art educators.
The new building has allowed the Center to enlarge the Bao Shan Jing Library to more than 45,000 Chinese language titles and thousands of Chinese Language VCDs and DVDs. The Center also offers valuable basic training in English, computers and other vital skills. There is a far-ranging schedule of classes in music, art and Chinese culture. Meeting space is provided for about sixty community based organizations. Movies, art exhibits, cultural shows by oversea artists and social activities are well attended, and the Center participates in numerous galas, parades and celebrations.
The Chinese Civic Center meets many of the needs of an underserved population. The Center honors the rich heritage and culture of China and seeks to bring together diverse ethnic groups to build a stronger city.
The Chinese Civic Center is supported by hundreds of our community volunteers, donors, individual sponsors and many corporate sponsors that include Baker Hughes, BP, Century 21, Chevron, Coca Cola, ConocoPhillips, Continental Airline, Diho Square, Dow Chemical, East West Bank, Exxon Mobil, First American National Bank, HEB, Hong Kong Food market, Houston Rockets, JP Morgan Chase, Knowledge Systems, Marathon Oil, Metro Bank, National Commodities Company, New York Life, Remax, Reliant Energy, Sea Engineering Inc, Southwestern National Bank, Texas First National Bank, Tindall Foster LLC, Wel-farm Supermarket, Viet Hoa Supermarket and many more. We also receive grant and program sponsorship from CACHH and Houston Endowment. The generous contribution from our donors, sponsors and volunteers has made all of our development in the past ten years possible at the Chinese Civic Center and we look forward to your continuous support in the years to come.
To build a stronger Community through collaborative efforts, volunteerism, leadership, multi-cultural education, and community services.
Bao Shan Jing Library
A Chinese-English bilingual library with over 30,000 titles of books, magazines, and video tapes. The library opens 6 days a week to the community.
Meeting rooms
Provide meeting spaces for workshop, forum, Board meeting, training, exhibition, and community gathering.
Multi-cultural/ Arts Training
Provides year round Chinese folk dancing, Kung-fu, music instrument, painting and language program for children and youth.
Adult Education and civic Activities
For any adults and seniors who wish to acquire or develop job skills, and to enrich personal and family lives, the Chinese Civic Center providers:
Cultural Connection
To promote better cultural understanding and connection among different ethnic groups. The Chinese Civic Center coordinates and/or fosters participation in the following events: